Migraines are more than just headaches. This head pain is the leading disability for all neurological disorders. A severe migraine attack is classified as a disabling condition by the World Health Organization. When you are exquisitely sensitive to light and movement, it affects your ability to work, play, or otherwise engage with the world. If you are suffering from debilitating headaches, a path to healing begins by identifying the type of a migraine you suffer from. This can help you gain control over prevention and treatment of your headache pain.
Migraine and Aura
Most migraines come in two flavors: with or without aura. A migraine without aura, also known as common migraine, is the most common. It involves sensitivity of light, smells, sounds, as well as blurred vision, nausea, fatigue, and mood changes. A migraine with aura, also known as a classic migraine, includes changes in your vision or, in some cases, muscle weakness or speech changes. Many sufferers describe seeing colored kaleidoscopes or zig-zag lines just before their headache or during their headache.
Your migraine pain can occur due to a variety of reasons, also known as triggers. Examples of triggers include stress, food ingredients, change in environment temperature, or weather changes.
Chronic Migraine
If you suffer from migraines for 15 days or more in a month, for a period of at least three months, then you may have chronic migraines. These headaches can be any type of a migraine. Chronic migraine pain will most likely be disabling, reducing your normal livelihood. You are most likely taking some sort of pain medication. Preventative drugs, as well as identifying your migraine triggers, may be helpful for controlling chronic migraines.
Migraines Sans Head Pain
Did you know that you could suffer from a migraine without having head pain? The technical term is a typical aura without a headache. When you experience a headache-free migraine, the symptoms include visual disturbances, nausea, and constipation. Yet you will not have pain in your head, which can make this type of a migraine more difficult to identify.
Rare Migraines
There are several types of migraines that are rarely experienced by the general population. However, if you have debilitating migraine pain that does not meet the classifications of migraines with or without aura or headaches, consider these possibilities.
A hemiplegic migraine is related to a migraine with aura. However, with this type of a migraine, you will suffer from temporary paralysis before or during a migraine. A migraine with brainstem aura may include vertigo, problems speaking, and difficulties swallowing. Another migraine that results in a dramatic visual disturbance is a retinal migraine. This kind of a migraine involves disturbances or loss in one eye along with headache pain.
Find a Cure for Migraines
Whether you are suffering from migraines or know someone who does, we all want to find a cure. Here at the Will Erwin Headache Research Center, it is our mission to find a cure for debilitating headaches including migraines and cluster headaches. Contribute to the cause and help us eliminate these disabling headaches once and for all.