High Dose Vitamin D Plus Multivitamin in the Prevention of Cluster Headache: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial
What is it? A study to see if high-dose Vitamin D (10,000 units per day) plus a multivitamin will reduce the number of cluster headache attacks over 3 weeks
Why are we conducting this study? many cluster headache patients report that high-dose Vitamin D reduces the number of attacks, but there has never been a controlled trial.
Who can participate in the study? Anyone with cluster headache cycles lasting at least 6 weeks who are 18-70 years old and residing in the United States.
How does it work? The study is 7 weeks long and will happen in 4 stages. We will ship you the medication and use your local Labcorp for bloodwork.
Screening (up to 1 year early) |
Baseline (1 week) |
Blinded period (3 weeks) |
Unblinded period (3 weeks) |
None |
(no vitamin yet) |
EITHER Vitamin D + multivitamin OR Placebo + multivitamin |
EVERYONE GETS Vitamin D + multivitamin |
Talk with screener Neurology interview Questionnaire |
Daily survey Bloodwork #1 |
Daily Survey Bloodwork #2 |
Daily Survey Bloodwork #3 |
Read more about the Will Erwin Headache Research Center (WEC) at UT Houston’s McGovern Medical School here.
For more information about how to participate in the trial, contact The Will Erwin Headache Research Center:
Mark Burish MD PhD, Associate Professor
Email: nctt.wec@uth.tmc.edu
Phone: 713.486.7771

We have teamed up with the Memorial Hermann Health System and The University of Texas Health Science Center at the McGovern Medical School.
The Will Erwin Headache Research Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization founded in 2014. Our tax ID is 46-4886305. For more information, contact us at jferwin@cureheadaches.org or 713-238-9100, or contact the Greater Houston Community Foundation at 713-333-2245.