Different Types of Migraine
Migraines are more than just headaches. This head pain is the leading disability for all neurological disorders. A severe migraine attack is classified as a disabling condition by the World Health Organization. When you are exquisitely sensitive to light and movement,...

What are Clinical Trials and How Can You Participate?
As a pain warrior, you are resilient and courageous. You are ready to face adversity in identifying pain management solutions and treatments for debilitating headaches. You are open to revolutionary and innovative ways to manage pain while protecting future...

Headache Research Faces Severe Underfunding Crisis in 2018
Almost everyone knows someone who has experienced a migraine. However, there are many different types of headaches that are still misunderstood and often misdiagnosed. For example, millions of Americans suffer from debilitating cluster headaches, a condition often...

Memorial Hermann Presentation by Dr. Mark Burish, Director
Memorial Hermann For more information on cluster headache pain, please watch this presentation by Dr. Mark Burish, Director of the Will Erwin Headache Research Center.
Read our Latest Press Releases
Press ReleasesThe Will to Cure Headaches Charity Golf Tournament Raised Over $275,000 for Headache ResearchFoundation Raises Awareness for Migraines by Showing that Debilitating Headaches Do Not DiscriminateEvening of Art and Fashion Supporting Headache Research...

Will Erwin Headache Research Foundation Feature in SAE – The Record
SAE - The Record Take a moment to read about the Will Erwin Headache Research Foundation which was recently featured in the Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) quarterly magazine, The Record. Read the story here.
The Will Erwin Headache Research Foundation Featured in the Houston Chronicle
Houston ChronicleThe Will Erwin Headache Research Foundation was recently featured in the Houston Chronicle. The article highlights the first-of-its-kind Will Erwin Headache Research Center, bringing much needed attention to debilitating headaches and those who...

The Will Golf Tournament Featured in PGA Magazine
PGA Magazine Click on the article below to read about The Will to Cure Headaches Golf Tournament featured in the December 2015 issue of PGA Magazine.

KHOU-TV Highlights the The Will Golf Tournament
Watch this video as Jimmy Erwin joins KHOU's Sherry Williams to discuss The Will Erwin Headache Research Foundation and The Will to Cure Headaches Golf Tournament to fund research focused on finding a cure for debilitating headaches.

Houston Business Journal Highlights our Mission
Read this inspirational interview by the Houston Business Journal spreading our mission to millions of viewers. Just click the image below to see the article at full size.
We have teamed up with the Memorial Hermann Health System and The University of Texas Health Science Center at the McGovern Medical School.
The Will Erwin Headache Research Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization founded in 2014. Our tax ID is 46-4886305. For more information, contact us at jferwin@cureheadaches.org or 713-238-9100, or contact the Greater Houston Community Foundation at 713-333-2245.